Tremors and Groans have been felt and heard from the Bottomless Pit at the Islands of Greece indicating the Son of Perdition and the Beast of Perdition are soon to rise and lead the world into the desolations of the end-time of prophecy.
An unusual rare swarm of 13,000 earthquakes of serious magnitude in 3 weeks in the islands of Greece sitting atop the mountains of volcanoes is a phenomenon that the experts in Greece say they had never ever seen before.
As the residents of the Greek islands said that the earthquakes were making such loud noises coming up out of the earth that they said it was unbearable, with it causing 13,000 Grecians to have fled by boat and by plane from the islands on these volcanic mountains as Greece declared a state of emergency.
And Holy Bible prophecy describes that in the Last Days of prophecy that there will be groanings from creation in bondage in the earth. And that anti-Christ will arise from the kingdom of Greece along with earthquakes that will move the islands and mountains.
And the bottomless pit will be opened up onto the face of the earth and released from bondage of the bottomless pit will be the demonic beast that will ascend out of the abyss and go to perdition.
So to empower the son of perdition the anti-Christ to wreak unbearable destruction upon the earth in the reign of the mark of the Beast. And there are signs of these Last Days prophecies happening now just as Bible prophecy foretold.
Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.
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