Wars and Rumors of Wars. Rising Violence and Chaos. Famine and Earthquakes. Disease and Pestilence. Confusion and Distress.
All of this… Signs of the Last Days®
In the Holy Scripture, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was asked in Matthew 24:3, “…What will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered revealing the Signs of the Last Days in the end-time.
The signs of prophecy are increasingly stronger and accelerating as we get deeper into the last days. But so many are unaware of what’s happening in the world now, and coming in the near future as God and His plan increasingly takes the center stage in world affairs.
Signs of the Last Days® is a Christian Ministry that helps people understand the Scriptural prophecies of the last days and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.
Watch the video trailer below and then learn more with the online prophecy course Signs of the Last Days Revealed found Here.
Signs of the Last Days® in the News
Featured News
Trump’s Aim To Clean Out Gaza Is A Bible Prophecy
January 31, 2025Sign of Trump of Fire & Ice Mingled With Blood
January 28, 2025Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Assures Gaza Prophecy Fulfilled
January 17, 2025L.A. Firestorms Called “Biblical” & “Mega-Catastrophe”
January 10, 2025Featured Videos
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Signs of the Last Days® newsletter provides awareness of current and future world events foretold in Scripture. Sign up to see the news in light of ancient but relevant prophecies and understand what’s happening in these times.
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Signs of the Last Days® Revealed Prophecy Studies
In the Holy Writ, there are ancient passages that are secrets to understanding the signs of our times. Prophecies of world events foretold thousands of years ago in Scripture. The Signs of the Last Days Revealed Prophecy Studies help people understand the impacts of these times and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ and the true restoration of world peace when the nations lay down their weapons.
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These truly are troubling days and many people are unprepared and in need at a critical time. Open your heart now with tax-deductible giving to join this ministry in furthering the work of the Gospel of Jesus providing information on the Signs of the Last Days prophecies so others can be aware of what’s happening and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.
Please help with this effort and pray for the souls of people and for this ministry so to provide people awareness and understanding leading to restoration, hope and peace – now and in the future.
Be watching for the next segment of the Signs of the Last Days Revealed Prophecy Studies. Sign up below to receive notices of the next one.
Signs of the Last Days Revealed Part 1
This first prophecy study in the series is now released and available.
Signs of the Last Days® is a Ministry of Signs of the Times Inc., a non-profit ministry organization. Contributions to this Ministry are tax-deductible.