End-Time Sign Of Cyprus Rises as Hezbollah Threatens

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The prophetic sign of Cyprus as a strategic location in the Middle East for the fulfillment of the end-time prophecies is rising in current events. As Hezbollah of Tyre & Sidon of Bible Prophecy in southern Lebanon is threatening war on Israel and on Cyprus for supporting Israel and her western allies. Where Cyprus has entered into bilateral agreements on … Read More

Israel’s Prophetic Tyre & Sidon War Front Gets Hot

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Northern Israel was set on fire by a massive missile attack as the prophetic war front with Biblical Tyre & Sidon of southern Lebanon is getting hot. Where Israel is retreating from its northern border to escape the intensifying attacks of Hezbollah who as an ally of Hamas will lead Israel into Last Days prophecy fulfillments. For Bible prophecy foretells … Read More

Israel Hostage Prophecy Fulfilled

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Israel hostage prophecy concerning Gaza is being fulfilled as Jewish hostages were rescued while meanwhile in hostage negotiations Jewish lives are being gambled with as they are treated cheaply by the nations in their negotiations. Bible prophecy foretells how that the descendants of Philistia at Gaza City in their retaliations upon Israel will also take captives from the people … Read More

America & The World Search For The Next Caesar

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Due to the crisis of authority where trust has been lost for institutions, America & the world are searching for another Caesar in the political chaos to rise up as a political leader who can impose strong leadership and order. Which this will led to Caesarists rising up as authoritarian political leaders who can lead the world into a time … Read More

“Holy War” Of Rus On Ukraine Is Won By Prince Of Rus

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Prince of Rus was just blessed by his prophet to win the holy war of Rus over Ukraine and to re-unify the tribes of Rus in the far north described in the Ezekiel Last Days prophecy. Putin’s prophet Kirill blessed Putin as “Your Highness” in a ceremony fit for coronation of the Grand Prince of Rus over Russia. As … Read More

U.S. Cuts Israel Off Calls Them Outlaw—Israel Alone

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The U.S. cut military support sending a message to Israel and now has called them an outlaw as Israel says they will stand and fight alone. The U.S. government administration blocked military shipments to Israel sending the message to Israel that they will not support Israel to go into Rafah in southern Gaza to defeat Hamas. And not only did … Read More

Goddess Columbia Spreads Hamas-Nazism To America Universities

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Hamasist Nazism spread in riots at universities all across America like an uncontrolled raging wildfire simultaneously exploding in riots supporting Hamas and chanting hatred of Jews and the elimination of Israel. And these Hamasist Nazi riots all began in America under the eye of the statue called Alma Mater of the goddess Columbia who is the patron goddess of Columbia … Read More

Russia Moves Troops To Israel’s Border In Message To Jerusalem

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Russia the ally of Persia Iran & the Arabs has moved more troops to Israel’s border of the Golan at Syria and is also now flying Russian fighter jets patrolling the border between Israel and Syria at the Golan Heights. As Moscow at Israel’s northern border sends a message to Jerusalem as Russia is taking more authority over Israel’s northern … Read More

How Persia Iran Is Preparing The Way Of Anti-Christ

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Israeli-Iranian conflict has entered a new very dangerous prophetic dimension where instead of proxy or indirect attacks on each other, both Israel and Iran have now made unprecedented direct military attacks on each other from their own territory. Signaling the Israeli-Iranian conflict has entered a new prophetic dimension of direct conflict which reveals that the demonic spirit of the … Read More

Prophetic Message To America Coded In Solar Eclipse

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

There are prophetic messages to America coded into the 2024 solar eclipse, and we reveal what this eclipse is telling America can happen after the rare celestial event based on the Holy Bible prophecies and the signs that have been manifesting across America. The Lord God said that the Sun would be used for signs, and He has used eclipsing … Read More