Pope Of World Religion Turns On Israel

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Supreme Pontiff of Rome as the greatest leader of world religion has turned on Israel. As the Pope has condemned Israel saying that Israel is immoral in its actions in the Middle East. The Pope had already been critical of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon with him calling IDF airstrikes a “terrible escalation,” that … Read More

Israel Seizing Judea (West Bank) In End-Time Move

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Jews of Israel are retaking and resettling Judea aka the West Bank in a sign of the end-time prophecies nearing fulfillment. The Israeli government this year has seized more land in the West Bank as state land for Jewish settlement than ever before in the history of the state of Israel. And the Israeli military has now reclassified Judea … Read More

Russia Invaded For First Time Since WW2

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The shock invasion is the 1st of Russia since WW2. As Ukraine invaded the Russian region of Kursk in a counter-offensive against Putin and the Kremlin for their unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Where Russia’s sword of aggression has now turned on them with the attacker becoming the attacked and the plunderer becoming the plundered. Which is a prophetic sign of … Read More

Iran Raises Red Flag Of Blood Revenge

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A symbol of Iran’s spirit prince, the Red Flag of Blood Revenge, has been raised over their Mosque in Qom calling all Islam to take vengeance on Israel in a Muslim holy war. The chilling sight appeared over the Dome of the Jamkarān Mosque in Qom, Iran, where the red flag of blood revenge was raised over the dome of … Read More

Olympics Go Anti-Christ As His End-Time Sign Is Seen

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

An end-time sign of Anti-Christ was manifested at the Olympics during a performance where transgressors blasphemed Heaven’s Lord at the games that have honored demon gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. This sign manifested in the performance heralds the soon rise of the end-time Anti-Christ who is prophesied in Holy Bible Scripture to come from the ancient kingdom of Greece. … Read More

US Deploys Military To Mid-East Says Attack Imminent

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The United States has deployed the power of the US Military to the Middle East as they say an attack on Israel can be imminent. Reports say the US has sent another aircraft carrier strike group, another fighter jet squadron and an additional dozen warships to the Middle East to defend Israel. As the Mid-East region braces for what is … Read More

End-Time Sign Of Cyprus Rises as Hezbollah Threatens

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The prophetic sign of Cyprus as a strategic location in the Middle East for the fulfillment of the end-time prophecies is rising in current events. As Hezbollah of Tyre & Sidon of Bible Prophecy in southern Lebanon is threatening war on Israel and on Cyprus for supporting Israel and her western allies. Where Cyprus has entered into bilateral agreements on … Read More

Israel’s Prophetic Tyre & Sidon War Front Gets Hot

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Northern Israel was set on fire by a massive missile attack as the prophetic war front with Biblical Tyre & Sidon of southern Lebanon is getting hot. Where Israel is retreating from its northern border to escape the intensifying attacks of Hezbollah who as an ally of Hamas will lead Israel into Last Days prophecy fulfillments. For Bible prophecy foretells … Read More

Israel Hostage Prophecy Fulfilled

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Israel hostage prophecy concerning Gaza is being fulfilled as Jewish hostages were rescued while meanwhile in hostage negotiations Jewish lives are being gambled with as they are treated cheaply by the nations in their negotiations. Bible prophecy foretells how that the descendants of Philistia at Gaza City in their retaliations upon Israel will also take captives from the people … Read More

America & The World Search For The Next Caesar

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Due to the crisis of authority where trust has been lost for institutions, America & the world are searching for another Caesar in the political chaos to rise up as a political leader who can impose strong leadership and order. Which this will led to Caesarists rising up as authoritarian political leaders who can lead the world into a time … Read More