Hamas of Gaza has said that they launched a massive surprise attack on Israel as resistance against the Jews trespassing up onto the Temple Mount which they say is desecrating their mosque.
The surprise attack by Hamas was brutal as they launched thousands of rockets at Israel. And sent thousands of Palestinian Jihadists in brigades invading Israel by land, sea, and air from Gaza.
Where they savagely slaughtered defenseless Jewish men, women, children and babies in their homes. The Israeli death toll has risen to over 900 dead and thousands more wounded.
But the Palestinian Jihadists have also taken over 150 Jews back into the land of Gaza as captives including Americans and other nationalities.
Israel has now declared war on Gaza and is massing the largest military force in recent memory for the Jewish state. Where Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel is saying that they will invade Gaza and take revenge turning the cities of Gaza into ruins.
And Last Days Bible Prophecy foretells that retaliations concerning Gaza will ultimately bring the nations to war in the Valley of Jehoshaphat at Jerusalem on account of Israel.
Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.
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