Gog Of Magog Storm Troopers Grow By A Million

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The current Prince of Rus over the Russians, President Vladimir Putin, has signed a decree ordering the country’s military to expand by 1.5 million troops bringing the total Russian military personnel to nearly 2.4 million.

This marks Putin’s third official expansion of Russia’s military since they began their war with Ukraine.

And according to military analysts, the increase would see Russia leapfrog the United States and India in terms of the number of active combat troops and be second only to China in size.

This latest expansion comes as Russia’s battle with Ukraine intensifies. After Ukraine counter-invaded Russia’s Kursk region capturing hundreds of miles of Russian territory and taking hundreds of prisoners.

But Russia has vowed to fight back and to retake the Russian territory taken by Ukraine while also expanding the Russian front deeper into Ukraine.

As the Kremlin has ordered compulsory military service is required of all Russian men age 18-30 for basic military training and avoiding conscription is punishable by up to two years in prison.

Kremlin officials said that the rationale for Putin’s decree was to expand the number of troops so to set up new military structures and military units for expanding the measures taken by Russia on both their western and eastern borders.

Russia is continuing to expand their troops to keep up with their expanding aggression which in recent years has led them to invade other territories such as Crimea, Georgia, Ukraine, and others.

Where now the Prince of Rus, a role that Putin personally has acknowledged is uniquely Russian, of the ancient Gog of Magog peoples along the Volga River;

They are increasing the numbers of their storm troopers for the purpose of re-gathering the territories of the original descendants of the tribes of the brothers of the Biblical family of Japheth.

So they can fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel in chapter 38 which describes that their troops will ascend coming like a storm as their storm troopers will come to try and plunder the people of Israel.

And they are gathering their storm troopers now.

The Biblical prophecies (Ezekiel 38, Ezekiel 39) foretell that the Prince of Rus of Gog of Magog will come in aggression to plunder Israel in the Last Days that will trigger events affecting the Middle East and the world signaling the world is nearing the end of this age and the coming of Jesus Christ.

These events and conditions happening now are warning signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare now for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3:3-5) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:18-19) described how (Acts 2).

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