Demonic Zombie War Revived At Euphrates River

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A demonic zombie war at the Euphrates River in Syria has revived and will continue to live revived over & again like a zombie that is agitated by demon powers at the Euphrates River.

That are diabolically drawing into their conflict in the Euphrates River Basin at Syria, Arab Muslim militias and armies of the great power nations.

To where there is no place on planet earth that has more various nation state militaries and their aligned militias all grouped together in one place in conflict than at the Euphrates River in Syria.

And this conflict will continue to live like a zombie rising up over and again until the Beast the anti-Christ comes as the Destroyer.

And then the war demons agitating at the Euphrates River will be released that together with the son of perdition the destroyer will stir up there the final world war of prophecy.

Where the prophecy describes the largest and most fatal world war planet Earth will ever know will happen, that will establish the core demonic powerbase of the heartland of the kingdom of the Beast.

Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.

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