L.A. residents have called the fire storms there apocalyptic and Biblical as media calls them a mega-catastrophe that is the worst southern California has seen.
One resident said that the only thing they can think of that would compare with this would be a massive earthquake. But they have an epicenter and these fire storms are everywhere all over the place and impacting everyone if you breathe air.
And one resident that is a local historian said that this disaster is ominously different this time and forebodes more disaster to come.
Other residents have also been quoted as calling the fires happening there as “Biblical”, “Apocalyptic”, and “Armageddon.”
But according to Bible Prophecy they are just beginning warning signs of what’s really coming soon on the Biblical level of Revelation.
Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.
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