Attacker Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ Before Stabbing Flint Michigan Cop At Airport

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

An attacker yelled “Allahu Akbar” before stabbing an off-duty police officer in the neck at the Bishop Airport in Flint, Michigan according to various reports.

A witness said the police officer was on his hands and knees bleeding from his neck.

The suspect is currently in custody and the FBI is investigating the incident as a possible terror attack. The officer, Lt. Jeff Neville, was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but has since been upgraded to stable after surgery.

Its been reported that authorities evacuated the airport, and also that they have stationed police officers around City Hall out of caution.

These are Signs of the Last Days Prophecy in Revelation revealing how militant Islam will drive the world to a Middle-East war.

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