Austin, Texas To Force Churches To Hire LGBTQ Employees

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Churches in Austin, Texas may soon be forced to hire homosexual and transgender employees, including pastors, if a city ordinance is implemented.

The city says it guarantees “the opportunity for each person to obtain employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age or disability.”

The Houston-based US Pastor Council and the Texas Values organization is suing the city in federal court over the code.

Both groups argue that the ordinance forces churches to go against their biblical beliefs and does not include a religious exemption for churches in Austin that refuse to hire homosexual or transgender people as employees, including pastors.

Austin city officials are not backing down. They defend the ordinance which basically says churches have no right to insist their employees accept and practice a church’s teachings on homosexuality.

US Pastor Council Chapter President Dave Welch warned that if the ordinance is enforced, it will be just a matter of time before all First Amendment protections collapse in the US.

He said it’s time for churches across the country to stand and fight.

“Forcing churches to violate core convictions is not acceptable. Once government does so, all of our Constitutional protections are essentially gone – all gone, for all of us, across all America.”

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