Iran militia in Iraq have declared an “open war” on the U.S. as they have been attacking US locations in Iraq and Syria on a continuing basis. As the Biden administration has been struggling to be able to form a response to Iran’s clear acts of continued aggression.
Iran’s use of drones and rockets, provided to their militias in Iraq, against both US military and diplomatic sites is unprecedented as the Iranians are increasing the pressure on Biden.
As Iran wants to press Biden for a US exit from Iraq and Syria similar to what Biden has just ordered for Afghanistan where the Taliban is now rapidly taking over territory.
So the way can be cleared for Persia on a land bridge from Iran to Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea over which their military can move in force to the border of Israel as foretold in Bible Prophecy.
Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.
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