Jews opened the 1st office in history in the Rome’s Vatican in a bond of covenant with the Roman Pope where the Pontiff agrees to accept & support the Jews in their Jewish religion & the Jews accept the Roman Pope authority to do so in these Daniel prophecy signs of the Last Days. For the first time ever, a … Read More
Russia’s Putin Calls Israel A Hitler Nazi Regime
Russia continues to turn on Israel as Putin calls Israel out to be like Hitler & the Nazi’s for attacks on Gaza to get Hamas. As Russia sides with Persia Iran & the Arab militias as Hamas against Israel. The cordial arrangement between Israel and Russia has now come to a dead end as the hotlines between Russia and Israel seem … Read More
Pope Names 1st Ever Jerusalem Cardinal A Roman Prince
For the 1st time in history the Roman Pope names a priest from Jerusalem as a Roman cardinal and as a prince who is called a son of Jerusalem by the Jews, the Arabs, and by Rome – signaling Rome is getting ready to confirm a holy covenant for the Holy City with world government. The Roman Pontiff of World … Read More
Jew & Christian Holocaust Nears As They Make Calls For Another Hitler
The nations are blaming and condemning Israel for what has just happened and some are even making the call for another Hitler to come upon the Jews and send them all to God. The Palestinian Hamas Holocaust which just happened INSIDE of Israel was a sign. That the other prophesied holocausts of the Last Days prophecies are also nearing their … Read More
Bigger Attack On Israel Coming—War For Existence
Arab/Muslim militias are moving toward the borders of Israel preparing for a bigger attack than Hamas which was just the beginning. As the Arab/Muslim Axis of Resistance wants to start a war over the very existence of Israel as prophesied in Holy Bible Scripture. The situations along Israel’s borders have continued to rapidly deteriorate after the surprise attack by Hamas … Read More
Gaza Will Lead Arabs & Nations To War Over Israel As Bible Prophesied
Bible Prophecy foretells that the attack of Hamas of Gaza on Israel and their taking of the Jewish captives is a Biblical event prophesied for the Last Days. That will lead the Arabs to war with Israel and will awaken the nations gathering them for war as the Middle East is changed by this event in an end-time tipping point. … Read More
Israel-Gaza War Expands w/Lebanon & Syria Attacks
Attacks by Lebanon and Syria on Israel are threatening to expand the Israel-Gaza War to a multi-front war with other Arabs who are now also threatening retaliations against Israel in the Middle East – as Gaza is prophesied to lead the Arabs into war with Israel. Hezbollah in Lebanon on Israel’s northern border has traded fire with Israel. And Israel … Read More
‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ Signals Israel Walls Down & Enemies On Multi-Fronts Come Like Flood
We warned in April that Israel was in terrible danger because the IDF military would soon fail to protect Israel and her enemy would plunder her as prophesied. It’s happened. As the IDF was blind and not there for Israel in the successful surprise Hamas military operation they named ‘Al-Aqsa Flood.’ As the mighty men of the IDF Israel had … Read More
Massive Surprise Attack On Israel By Gaza’s Hamas Over Temple Mount Starts War
Hamas of Gaza has said that they launched a massive surprise attack on Israel as resistance against the Jews trespassing up onto the Temple Mount which they say is desecrating their mosque. The surprise attack by Hamas was brutal as they launched thousands of rockets at Israel. And sent thousands of Palestinian Jihadists in brigades invading Israel by land, sea, … Read More
End-Time Euphrates River Water Level Plummets Hits New Historic Low
Something is happening at the Euphrates River of End-time prophecy as the news out of the Middle East say the water level of the Euphrates River has plummeted drastically reaching a new historical low. And the prophetic Euphrates River of Revelation plays a major role in the end-time where it dries up and releases demonic war demons. Who stir up … Read More