Mossad Attacks Iran! Russia Warns Israel

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Israel’s Mossad has attacked Iran, which caused Russia to warn Israel of consequences saying that Israel’s provocations with drone attacks on Iran can trigger uncontrolled escalation in Middle East. Mossad’s drones hit a military factory at the heart of the central Iranian city of Isfahan causing explosions. Iran warned Israel that they were playing “with fire” and threatened retaliation against … Read More

People Increasingly Sacrificing Their Self To Satan

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Reports say Satanism is growing. As people sacrifice their self to Satan, as Satanism lures greater numbers of people into a religion of self as their own god. As different forms of Satanism are luring increasing numbers of people disillusioned with traditional religion who are looking for alternatives to traditional faith. As there is a movement to identification and realization … Read More

Gog & Magog Put Nuclear Doomsday Clock At Midnight

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Gog & Magog’s aggression has put the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Doomsday Clock seconds away from a midnight of nuclear catastrophe as its said its an alarm for humanity on the brink of a precipice. The world is closer to nuclear catastrophe now than it’s ever been according to atomic scientists who created the Doomsday Clock metaphor back in 1947 … Read More

Jerusalem Attack! Jews Killed At Synagogue *WARNING-Potentially Disturbing Content

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

*WARNING – the Video below includes a segment of potentially disturbing content of the aftermath of a Jewish massacre in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, “the City of Peace,” Jews were killed and several more wounded at the entrance to a Jewish synagogue in Jerusalem on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Where an Arab attacked opening fire with a gun killing 7 Jews … Read More

Hollywood Rocked After 2 Quakes In 1 Minute Hit California

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Hollywood was rocked today after two earthquakes rippled across California in just a minute. Celebrities and residents said they felt the ground move beneath their feet as there was the first tremor measured at around a 4.2 magnitude. And then a second big jolt was also felt measured at 3.5 magnitude according to reports. The epicenter is believed to be around … Read More

Doomsday Clock Now Only Seconds From Midnight Per Scientists

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The world is closer to nuclear catastrophe now than its ever been according to the Doomsday Clock from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Who created the Doomsday Clock metaphor back in 1947 near the advent of the nuclear bomb. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was founded by Albert Einstein and a group of atomic scientists who worked on … Read More

Vatican Jewish Temple Treasures & The Roman Beast

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Roman Pope in a one world church ecumenical gesture has now returned temple artifacts held for centuries in the treasures of the Vatican back to its owners. And Jews believe that Jewish Temple treasures from the Last Jewish Temple are also held deep in the secret archives of the Roman Vatican that were taken by the Romans from Jerusalem … Read More

The Young Sacrifice Belief In God On Altar Of Satanism

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Satanism is luring increasing numbers of young people disillusioned with traditional religion to join its fold by offering an alternative to traditional faith, according to reports by MSN and the Telegraph. They have spoken to leaders and members of Satanic groups, as the Global Order of Satan  and members of other Satanic groups around the world in their research. Who … Read More

The Prophetic Path From Now To Anti-Christ Kingdom Revealed

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The prophetic path from now to the kingdom of Anti-Christ has been revealed in the prophecies of the Holy Bible Scriptures describing how the barriers to the kingdom of Anti-Christ will be removed. Lord Jesus prophesied that there will be wars and rumors of wars as nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom which are signs leading into … Read More

Egyptian Spirit Gives Woman Supernatural Strength

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A bizarre incident has unfolded in Florida where according to police a woman screaming that she was an Egyptian god, wreaked violence and chaos on the city streets. As she was unaffected by police stun guns and had such unusual strength that she could only be subdued by multiple police officers. The Pharaohs are dead and their sorcerers are dead, … Read More