Barcelona Islamic Terrorists Kill 13 Injure 100 In Jihadi Van Attack

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

In what the Spanish Prime Minister described as an act of “jihadi terrorism”, at least 13 people were killed and more than 100 injured when Islamic terrorists rammed a van through crowds in the heart of Barcelona.

Eyewitnesses reported scenes of panic and chaos as the van plowed down the length of the famous Las Ramblas avenue mowing people over.

Two suspects — one from Morocco, one from the Spanish enclave of Melilla — were arrested, but police said they were still looking for the driver who abandoned the van and escaped from the area.

It was the latest in a series of attacks in Europe in which vehicles have been used to mow down pedestrians in public spaces killing hundreds with people dying in similar attacks in Berlin, London and Nice.

ISIS declared that the perpetrators of the Barcelona attack were “soldiers of the Islamic State.”

This is another sign of the Last Days prophecies pointing to how Islam is involved in turmoil leading the world into a Middle-East World War as described in the Revelation Book of Prophecy.

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