2023-2024 Eclipses Mark An X Over Texas Rebellion & Red Heifers

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The 2023 and 2024 solar eclipses are marking an X over Texas where the Red Heifers were found and also the Eagle Pass rebellion started which then spread to 13 states joining the Texas Republic as conflict & prophetic signs starting in Texas have a message for the U.S. Amazing signs in the heavens are happening now over specific areas … Read More

Israel Crossing Red Line As US/Nations Turn On Them

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Israel is crossing the red lines of the U.S. and the nations in Gaza causing them to turn on Israel as the signs show the U.S. now supports overthrowing Israel’s government instead of the Hamas terror regime unless Israel starts toeing the US line. The nations and now the U.S. are turning against Israel for Israel’s counter-offensive against the Palestinians … Read More

The Red Heifer Of War

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The Red Heifer has brought a Holy War on Israel over a Jewish sacrifice – signaling the time of end-time war on Israel by the Arabs and the Nations opposing Jewish sacrifices is near as prophesied. Palestinian Hamas declared they attacked Israel on Oct. 7th in a Holy War because they said their Al Aqsa Mosque was in danger over … Read More

Secret Red Heifer Sacrifice A Surprise—Altar Built!

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A Jewish high altar is now built in Israel for the Red Heifer sacrifice to where it could take place any day now. Where the sacrifice can be done at a secret time in a surprise with it burned for its ashes to be used in the Jewish purification rites. Which by that purification the Jews believe they could then … Read More

U.N. Luciferian World Order Makes War On Israel

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The United Nations is openly rising up now against Israel exposing its U.N. Luciferian world order that hates the Jewish state and is ready to follow the soon world leader of Lucifer in his End-Time war on Israel described in Bible Prophecy. The development of U.N. organizations, departments, committees, and principles were done by Luciferian religion associates. Where the U.N. became … Read More

IDF Secret Commandos Say The Black Sabbath Is Sign Of Jacobs Trouble

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The IDF leader of Israel’s secret commandos, who are the basis for the hit Netflix show called Fauda which is Arabic for chaos, says that the Black Sabbath attack on Israel is a sign of Jacobs Trouble of End-Time prophecy. As the secret commando describes the fighting Israel is doing now against her enemies that want to destroy her as … Read More

Enoch The Prophet’s End-Time Prophecy Warning

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Enoch the Seer warned in his prophecies before he was raptured of what would come to pass in the End-Time for those in heaven, and those on the earth, and those under the earth. And the power of the witness of his testimony is soon to be finished in the Last Days for the rebel watchers and the disobedient of earth who … Read More

Russia & Allies Vow A New World Order On The Brink Of WW3

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Russia and its allies of Iran, China, and North Korea, are a prophetic axis of evil together vowing to form a new world order in a chilling warning to the West as they are expanding conflict and ramping up their threats for a world war 3. As they are a growing axis of autocratic leaders with increasing influence on the … Read More

This End-Time Sign Is Exploding On Fire World-Wide!

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

This End-Time prophetic sign is exploding right now and catching fire world-wide to where the surge has taken many by surprise as it has become global and inescapable like never before. As what was in the shadows on the fringe in the margins of society, has now exploded as a shocking mainstream phenomenon. That is so prevalent that it is … Read More

Prophetic Trap Is Closing On Israel At World Court

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Israel has walked into a prophetic trap at the World Court where the trial of Israel for genocide on Gaza Palestinians can be the beginning basis justifying the world nations use of force to make Jews leave Judea and East Jerusalem as prophesied in the End-Time. In a bizarre ironic twist, after Israel was first attacked by Gaza’s Palestinian Hamas … Read More