Cat 5 Massive Storm Also Registered As Earthquakes In Another Rare Sign

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

In another unusual sign, a hurricane has registered not only as a maximum category 5 storm, but it also registered as earthquakes of magnitude.

When a heretofore never before seen massive tempest called Hurricane Irma tore across the Atlantic, it slammed into the Caribbean islands.

Not only was the massive storm registered as a maximum Category 5 hurricane, but it was also picked up by seismic sensors in the region where it registered as 3.0 and higher magnitude earthquakes.

Along its way, the storm was so strong it was picked up by seismic sensors in the region as earthquakes.

In this recent season of disasters after the eclipse, there has been a peculiar relationship of signs between sun, sea, and earth.

Here is another one, where an unusual hurricane was measured as a rare powerful storm and also as earthquakes at the same time.

These are Signs of the Last Days Prophecies of Jesus Christ, for He foretold that signs in the sun, in the sea, and in the earth – such as eclipses, hurricanes, and earthquakes – would mark events in humankind that affected them. (Luke 21)

For those that are looking for Him, He is doing mighty signs in the world announcing His soon redemption of His Church.

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