77 years after the last world war, leaders of the world are now saying that World War 3 is beginning. From the Pope to Putin and others, they are making statements which refer to the world as slipping over the edge of the abyss toward world war. The world religious leader of the Roman Pope, who is the head of … Read More
50,000 Jews On Holy Hill As Religious War Looms Over Arab Taboos
Over 50,000 times Jews have ascended the Holy Mount in Jerusalem where they have set a new record by far. And now the Arabs are threatening a religious war with Israel because they say the Jews are breaking their taboos with the large numbers of Jews ascending and praying on the Holy Hill in the Holy City. Setting the stage … Read More
Secret Red Heifers Ritual Sacrifice Starts This
What they called as 5 perfect Red Heifers were secretly flown into Israel by the Temple Institute with plans to use them to provide the ashes of the Red Heifer. To where the coming Jewish ritual slaughter and burning of a Red Heifer would provide ashes for the purpose of Jewish purification so to purify the prophesied building of the … Read More
Putin Threatens Nuclear Fire On The West
In a speech this week, Putin warned of nuclear winds coming upon the West while additionally saying that he’s not bluffing. As Putin and the Kremlin are escalating the war on Ukraine by mobilizing 300,000 more Russian troops from reserves, while also supporting sham referendums in order to annex eastern and southern Ukraine regions into Russia. To where the Kremlin … Read More
Signs In Sky At Queen’s Death & Crowning New King
The prophetic Time of the Kings foretold in End-Time prophecy is nearing as there are signs manifesting in the sky as the monarchy is changing with the Queen passing and a new King crowned. As Queen Elizabeth the 2nd passed away there were immediately multiple signs in the sky that appeared in Britain in several significant places. And as the … Read More
Magog Russia’s Prophecy Of Fire Upon The World Order
Russia is threatening the world order with nuclear blackmail of catastrophic events in nuclear conflict if it intervenes against their aggressions. And the Holy Bible foretells of Magog Russia’s prophecy of fire that it brings upon the world order. As Russia’s Last Days aggression will ultimately even bring them against the border of Israel and that will trigger fire sent … Read More
The Red Heifer-Jewish Temple World Peace Deception
Orthodox Jews and Christians are coming together in looking for a kosher red heifer or searching for the ashes from an ancient red heifer that had been prepared for Jewish ceremonies. They are doing this since they say the discovery of the red heifer or ashes will help bring about world peace and safety. Since they say it will make … Read More
The Prophecy Of America’s Desolation
There is a prophecy pointing to the desolation of America prophesied in the Holy Bible and also spoken by a famous US President. As a poll of Americans now shows that half of them think there will be a civil war “in the next few years.” As an increasing number of politicians, media, historians, etc., are no longer laughing off … Read More
Elon Musk Says ‘Demonic’ Tech ‘Summoning’ The Demon
Elon Musk the futurist has said that CERN & AI are demonic technology that is summoning the demon to where there can be unintended consequences that are apocalyptic for humanity. And Bible prophecy foretells that in the future there will be a portal which opens upon the earth from which Apollyon is summoned and the demon king will lead a … Read More
BEAST SYSTEM—Now Pay With Your Hand Or Face
Beast system of Revelation 13 is here as world financial system rolls out program where you can pay with your hand or your face as foretold within end-time Bible Prophecy. World financial system no longer wants your cash, check, or credit card. They want your person, your personal body, as they use your hand or your face to absolutely know … Read More