The drums of war are beating loudly as the prophetic Magog of end-time war prophecy is on the move, and reports say that a new war is on the horizon. As now Russia and the US are both evacuating their embassy personnel in Ukraine which is a sign that these countries see events and have information which they think means … Read More
The Sign For Anti-Christ’s Army Seen In Europe
Bible Prophecy foretells that the Anti-Christ will have an army that he musters together from nations for his successful end-time military campaigns. And prophecy also foretells to us the reason why the nations will give over to Anti-Christ this army so he can invade Israel and Jerusalem in the end-time. And the Biblical sign for this Anti-Christ army to happen … Read More
The Two Last Days Temples of Christ & Anti-Christ
Prophecy shows that there will be two temples in the Last Days, one is the temple of Christ and then the other is the temple of Anti-Christ, and around them the prophetic end-time events will happen. One is spiritual, the other one will be physical; one belongs to God and is filled with light and life, the other one will … Read More
Israel Dancing With ‘Unhappy’ Bear That Turns On Them
Israel is dancing with the Bear that is increasingly unhappy as it growls at Israel for its continuing air strikes on the Bear’s allies of Syria and Iran. Israel typically had refrained from carrying out attacks against targets in Syria if there were Russian troops nearby. But Israel has stepped up its air strikes on Iran arms shipments in Syria … Read More
Evil Of Nephilim Lost Race Is Returning
The evil that created the lost race of Giants called Nephilim is returning in the earth as humankind again engages in mixing unholy unions of unnatural cross-relationships. As knowledge is being multiplied and technology is increasing, today the world is now again, not respecting the boundaries God created. Where they are crossing the lines God put in place where kind … Read More
Mysterious Sky Quakes Continue To Happen Worldwide
Mysterious Sky Quakes have continued to happen world-wide as strange noises of unknown origin occur in the sky which are baffling witnesses and experts as to what’s causing them. A team of scientists did research on them where they ruled out ground shaking from seismic activity as the cause of the booming sky quakes. And said that this is an … Read More
Pope Sees Sign For Secret Anti-Christ Deal
The Roman Pope said he saw a sign from God which affirmed he had divine backing to make a secret deal with an anti-christ government that is already here on the earth. The Pope claimed he received a “sign from God” that gave divine backing for the Roman Church to enter an alliance with the godless anti-Christ government of China … Read More
US Historic Mega-Tornado Roars Along Madrid Fault & Eclipse Lines
An unprecedented Mega-Tornado crossed 4 states in 4 hours as the monster roared up the New Madrid earthquake fault-line into the America heartland. Reports say that from what the experts understand at this point, this was the first ever quad-state tornado which carved a 200+ mile course through four states crossing through northeast Arkansas, southeast Missouri, northwest Tennessee and western … Read More
Final BEAST Kingdom Is HERE & Re-Awakening
The final BEAST Kingdom of Daniel Prophecy is already here with the world under its dominion as the top religious leader of the world is awakening the Beast. The world is still living under the time of the dominion of the 4th and final beast of Daniel chapter 7. And there is a Roman leader who is reviving the authority … Read More
U.N. puts Statue of Beast Named Peace & Safety at UN Headquarters
The United Nations has put the statue of a beast at their UN headquarters that makes one think of the Daniel and Revelation prophecies with it having some similar characteristics. The Revelation chapter 13 prophecy describes a beast which was like a leopard, with feet like the feet of a bear, and a mouth like the mouth of a lion. … Read More