The new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has just made a move for a change to the status quo in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount. As he instructed that the orderly and safe ascent of Jews to the Temple Mount should continue, while order is maintained at the site. But then he also thanked Israeli police security for maintaining freedom … Read More
BREAKING: Israel Breaks Temple Mount Taboo—Jews Ascending & Praying
BREAKING news this week as Israel is breaking the Temple Mount Taboo. As over 1,600 Jews went up on the Temple Mount & prayed and sang as Israel is reclaiming their right to the Temple Mount. In the past, Israel had enforced its longstanding policy that Muslims pray on the Temple Mount but non-Muslims or Jews could only visit the … Read More
Israel Earthquake With 7000 Dead At Two Witnesses Rapture In IDF Exercise
Israeli researchers are saying that a severe earthquake is about to hit the Holy Land and the Israeli military has prepared for it in exercises. And in the IDF scenario that their exercises were simulating, they are planning for 7000 dead. The exact number that is foretold in Revelation prophecy to be killed in Israel at Jerusalem from a severe … Read More
The Great Anti-Christ Revival Before The Rapture Is Happening
The great revival of the spirit of anti-christ is happening now that is overwhelming the world just before the rapture of the Church of Jesus as foretold in Last Days Prophecy. As the spirit of anti-christ, which is the spirit of iniquity or the attitude of Biblical lawlessness – where people will not be restrained by the Word of God … Read More
Iran/China Deal: Kings From The East Entering Middle East
Iran and China have made a deal for China’s new Silk Road called the ‘One Belt One Road’ to come through Iran as China views Iran as the gateway to the Middle East. Under the deal China will invest a half trillion dollars in Iran’s ports, roads, and rail connecting them to China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ and China will … Read More
Iran “Open War” On U.S. Pushing For Vietnam-Like Exit From Iraq & Syria
Iran militia in Iraq have declared an “open war” on the U.S. as they have been attacking US locations in Iraq and Syria on a continuing basis. As the Biden administration has been struggling to be able to form a response to Iran’s clear acts of continued aggression. Iran’s use of drones and rockets, provided to their militias in Iraq, against … Read More
Plagues Coming Into U.S. w/No Protection At Eclipse Area
At the event of the 2017 Great American Eclipse, when a total solar eclipse path of darkness started in the Northwest traveling down across America only, the country partied hearty – with no prayer meetings to seek God. But Bible prophecy says that such events in the Sun are for signs to warn the nations of distress and perplexity that … Read More
Plague Of Violence Fills America As Police Retreat From Lack Of Support
A new report shows a decline in law enforcement activity across major U.S. cities with deadly violence rising as policing has fallen. It says public officials’ decisions and growing hostility toward policing has left law enforcement demoralized, debilitated and even defunded. Where even the most dedicated officers, who now face a greater risk of being sued, fired or prosecuted for … Read More
Grasshopper Plague Hits US From Heat/Drought – Could Drive Up Food Prices
A mega-drought in the U.S. West is drying up waterways, sparking wildfires and leaving farmers scrambling for water. And now there has come with it a plague of voracious grasshoppers. Federal agriculture officials are launching what could become their largest grasshopper-killing campaign amid the outbreak of the drought-loving insects that cattle ranchers fear will strip bare public and private rangelands. … Read More
Worst Mega-Drought In Over 1000 Years In U.S. West
An epic mega-drought has emerged in the western U.S. that scientists say is as bad or worse than any in the past 1,200 years. And as severe heat with record temperatures are projected to keep rising, it is likely the drought will continue for the future – or fade briefly only to return, according to researchers. Scientists also said the … Read More