The Presidents of Russia and Turkey have discussed invading Israel over the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict in East Jerusalem and Gaza. Where Turkey’s President Erdogan in a phone call told Russia’s Putin that they should teach Israel a lesson and urged Russia to form an international force to invade Israel which Turkey would join. Afterwards the Russian President strongly warned Israel … Read More
Final Prophetic Jewish Holocaust In Israel Is Nearing
Signs indicate the Palestinian & Arab conflict with Israel is preparing to go to the prophetic level, where the prophesied Arab-Israeli wars will soon come to pass. The Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 prophecies foretell the results of these wars in the Middle East which will have major ramifications for the world. As they can give rise to the Last … Read More
WAR! Rockets Rain On Holy Land—Israeli Army Attacks
Rockets have been raining down on the Holy Land from Gaza this week. As Israeli politicians, military leaders, and citizens, say that the Arab-Israeli conflict is getting hotter than ever before. Where Palestinian militants in Gaza have fired more than 1,000 rockets into Israel within 38 hours, and then fired almost another 1000 rockets in another 24 hours. Now the … Read More
New Weapon Attacks US Diplomats, White House, Troops—“Act of War”
There are reports of attacks that are happening now world-wide on US diplomats, on US troops, and even on US government officials near the White House. The US Defense Department says they think these attacks are happening from a new class of weapon called directed-energy weapons which uses highly concentrated electromagnetic energy. U.S. officials are increasingly sounding the alarm over … Read More
Synagogues Burn In “Civil War” In Central Israel As Arab Intifada Rises
Synagogues are burning in central Israel as there are eruptions of Arab violence across Israel in what one mayor is calling a “Kristallnacht” and a “civil war.” Intense Arab rioting has broken out in the central Israeli city of Lod with three synagogues set on fire along with other buildings and dozens of cars set alight. The mayor of Lod, … Read More
Temple Mount Riots—World Court Opens Israel War Crimes File
Jerusalem is in crisis as there has been the worst riots in years on the Temple Mount at the Al Aqsa Mosque between Palestinians and Israeli police with hundreds of people injured. Sparking the current violence is the planned evictions of Arab Palestinian families from homes in East Jerusalem and Israel’s plans to settle Jews in their place. And the … Read More
NASA Admits They Can’t Stop A Space Rock From Decimating Earth
Experts from US and European space agencies participated in a simulation to stop an asteroid discovered approaching the earth that could hit within six months. They failed, with the asteroid decimating Europe. Scientists from around the world attended the weeklong exercise led by NASA in which they faced a hypothetical scenario: An asteroid 35 million miles away was approaching the … Read More
Iran Has The Nuclear Bomb While Biden & Kerry Surrender
National intelligence and security officials that have formerly worked in the CIA and other high-level government positions are saying that Iran has already secretly developed the nuclear bomb. As they say Iran has followed the same approach as North Korea, of making a public show of its civilian nuclear program participating with international reviews while their clandestine military nuclear program … Read More
Jerusalem In Chaos As Rockets Fall On Israel
There has been chaos in the streets of Jerusalem according to reports, with violent fighting between Jews and Palestinians in what Israeli media describes as some of the darkest nights seen in Israel’s capital in a long time. Then Palestinian militants also fired multiple barrages of rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel causing damage in Israeli communities. Israeli media … Read More
Fake Cover Story Alleged For Missile Near Israel Nuclear Reactor
A missile was fired from Damascus, Syria, into southern Israel that exploded near the nuclear reactor in Dimona. Israel’s IDF says it was just an errant missile from Syrian anti-aircraft fire in Damascus. But some say this Dimona incident is full of unexplained factors which they say punch holes in the official story line by the IDF. And that it … Read More