A great Biblical world-wide event is nearing where there will be the Disappearing of those who will be Taken without a trace that will become the Missing. According to Jesus and His Apostles, the event will happen on a secret day and hour where most of the world will not know it happened until afterwards. Even then they will be … Read More
Palace Intrigue In Mid-East Points To Nearing Anti-Christ Prophecies
There is palace intrigue going on in the desert kingdoms of the Middle East in a prophetic story behind recent news events that is pointing to the Anti-Christ prophecies. Where this palace intrigue in the Mid-East has developed over the Abraham Peace Accords and over the status of Jerusalem and Judea. As the specific kingdom called out in an Anti-Christ … Read More
U.S. Declares National Emergency Over Russia Threats
The United States has declared a national emergency over threats from Russia. While Russia has also declared the United States as an enemy and warned them to keep their warships far away. The White House declared the national emergency saying that Russia was an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. … Read More
Egypt’s Mummy Parade & Sorcery Of Pharaohs’ Curses
Egyptians and the world just witnessed an extravaganza in a historic procession of Egypt’s ancient rulers the Pharaohs through the capital of Cairo with their mummies moved to a new museum. In a lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle called the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade, the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and their sorcery-filled culture were glorified. But many Egyptians say it desecrated the mummies and … Read More
Monarchy Of Jordan Prevents Coup
Nearly twenty people were arrested by authorities in Jordan, including a number of top officials and a royal family member according to the state news agency, in what appears to have been a thwarted attempted coup. The arrests were announced by the state-run Petra News agency, who said Sharif Hassan bin Zaid, a member of the royal family, and Bassem … Read More
Allies Putin & Xi Warn That World War Is Coming
Putin, who has become like a czar or emperor of Russia, and Xi Jinping, who is now elevated to a status like a god in China, have both warned recently of war coming to the world. Both of these countries are described as combatants in the wars described in the Last Day prophecies. And now both of the leaders of … Read More
Pope Openly Calls For ‘New World Order’ In Book Titled ‘God And The World To Come’
In a new book titled, God and the World to Come, the Roman Pontiff describes how “the world will never be the same again” and openly calls for “a new world order.” In the book-length interview with journalist Domenico Agasso, the Pontiff says “The world will never be the same again. But it is precisely within this calamity that we … Read More
2 Mass Killings In 1 Week In Biden’s 1st 2 Months—Return To Obama’s Numbers?
Within the first two months of Biden in the White House, the country has seen two high profile mass shootings within a week of each other. Could the U.S. be heading back to the high numbers of mass shootings seen in the Obama administration? Less than a week before authorities say 10 people were killed by a gunman at a … Read More
The ‘Sons Of Abraham’ Deception Leads To One World Religion Of Revelation
We are seeing the religious world order that is foretold in the Revelation beginning to be formed up now before our eyes. As the Roman Pontiff is using the “We are the Sons of Abraham” attitude to bring in an Abrahamic one world religious order including Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Which that will unify the world’s religious faiths in solidarity … Read More
Russia Now Calling Israel ‘The Problem’ In The Middle East
A Gog of Magog prophecy sign is developing in the Middle East as Russia, who is modern day Magog, is now starting to call Israel ‘the Problem’ in the Mid-East. With Russia’s Foreign Minister and Russia’s Ambassador to Israel pointing accusing fingers at Israel. But while Russia is accusing Israel of being responsible for the unrest in the Middle East, Russia … Read More