Middle-Eastern Christian woman tells Western Christians not to pray for persecution to end but for God to endow them with the Spirit to stand as God’s witnesses. “Don’t pray for the persecution to be stopped. … But pray for the Christians there, for their boldness, their encouragement, for their faith and that they can all be witnesses for God’s work … Read More
Syrian War Worst Man-Made Disaster Since World War Two Says U.N.
The Syrian war has become “the worst man-made disaster the world has seen since World War II,” the UN Human Rights Commissioner told the human rights council with 400,000 people dead and 10.3 million driven from their homes. The entire conflict is “this immense tidal wave of bloodshed and atrocity,” he said, adding that tens of thousands of people remain … Read More
World Faces Largest Humanitarian Crisis In U.N. History Says Official
The world is facing its greatest humanitarian crisis in U.N. history, says the United Nations humanitarian coordinator, Stephen O’Brien. 20 million people across four countries in Africa and the Middle East are at risk of starvation and famine from conflict. He called the crisis the largest in the history of the U.N., which was founded in 1945, and was specific … Read More
Drugs Killing So Many State Can’t Keep Up With Funerals
Drugs are killing so many people in West Virginia that the state can’t keep up with the funerals. Funeral directors in West Virginia say the state’s drug overdose epidemic, the worst in the nation, is to blame. Deaths in West Virginia have overwhelmed a state program providing burial assistance for needy families for the fifth year in a row. The program has been … Read More
Assad: US military forces in Syria are ‘invaders’
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said U.S. forces in Syria were “invaders.” When asked about a deployment of U.S. forces near the northern city of Manbij, Syria, Assad said: “Any foreign troops coming to Syria without our invitation … are invaders.” “We don’t think this is going to help”. U.S. forces are already in Syria including the Air Force, Army Rangers, Marines, … Read More
Disney’s 1st Homosexual Movie Role In Beauty And The Beast Gets Backlash
Disney built a wholesome reputation with princesses finding their prince and living happily ever after for generations of children. But now their movie of Beauty and the Beast has a manservant exploring his homosexuality. The live-action version of Beauty and the Beast has star Emma Watson making the role of Belle more feminist and also the character of LeFou is homosexual … Read More
Antarctica Records Hottest Day Ever
The coldest place on Earth—Antarctica—has registered the highest temperature ever for the continent with the daytime temperatures at Antarctica’s Esperanza research station soaring to 63.5°F. If this temperature is confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization, it may set an alarming new record. Researchers announced that ice shelves in western Antarctica—a particular warming hot-spot—have lost some 18 percent of their thickness in … Read More
1st Time In Disney Cartoon History Homosexual Couples Are Kissing
In a young teen-themed Disney cartoon, same-sex kissing was depicted in a recent episode of Disney XD’s “Star vs. the Forces of Evil” — an animated series featuring two 14-year-old main characters which has been called a first for the network. Among the crowd two men can be seen sharing a kiss and later in the episode two further lesbian … Read More
Muslim Now Spiritual Leader To 14,000 U.S. Army Soldiers
A Muslim has been named division-level chaplain for the Army’s 7th Infantry that puts him in charge of providing spiritual counsel to roughly 14,000 mostly-Christian U.S. soldiers. He is one of only 10 Muslim chaplains in the entire U.S. military and one of only five in the Army. It was while serving in Germany that he converted from Christian to Muslim. In four months, … Read More
Anti-Semitic Pandemic Taking Shape Worldwide
Anti-Semitic acts had previously been spreading across Europe but now also in the U.S. there has been an outbreak of acts demonstrating Jewish hatred where recently hundreds of grave tombstones have been desecrated in cemeteries across the U.S. Additionally there have been bomb threats made to Jewish community centers and schools with threats or aggression against kids on campuses with evacuations being … Read More