Russia used Iran as a base from which to launch air strikes against Syrian militants for the first time. This underscores Moscow’s increasingly close ties with Tehran, as their fighter bombers used Iran’s Hamadan air base to strike a range of targets in Syria. This is also the first time that Iran has allowed a foreign power to use its … Read More
US Nukes In Turkey At Risk To Terrorists
Terrorists or other hostile forces could possibly capture dozens of US nuclear weapons housed in a Turkish air base near the Syria border per a Washington-based think tank. Turkey, which has NATO’s second-largest military, allows the United States to use the Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey to launch attacks against Islamic State militants. The claims, made in a new … Read More
EU Chief Says Can’t Rely On NATO: Indicates EU Defense Force
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini’s states that “as Europeans we must take greater responsibility for our security.” This is according to a new foreign policy document from the Brussels-based institution to be handed to EU leaders on a “credible European defence.” The white paper adds: “While NATO exists to defend its members — most of which are European — … Read More
Germany Rising Again: Plans Greater Military In EU
Germany released new security defense strategy where for the first time since World War 2 they plan to grow their military. They declare the ambition to assume responsibility in leading to meet European and global security challenges. This change in direction is outlined in a white paper which describes Germany’s desire to actively help shape the world order. It will … Read More
ZIKA Is A Killer
ZIKA is now also killing in the U.S. Reports today tell of a baby that died in Texas from Zika. Previously a man in Utah was reported to die also from the virus. Now its been learned that there are severe manifestations from the virus as microcephaly, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Zika is now also spreading in the United States … Read More
Turkey Opens Historic Russian Relations
Reports say Turkish President opens new page of bilateral relations with Russian President. Erdogan says “This will be a historic visit, a new beginning. At the talks with my friend Vladimir (Putin), I believe, a new page in bilateral relations will be opened. Our countries have a lot to do together.” He says that Turkey is also turning to Russia in … Read More
Russia Continues Testing Israeli Defenses – Israel Attacks
Russia sent a drone into Israel from Syria at the disputed border of the Golan Heights. Another sign of the prophecy when Russia surprises the world with its invasion of Israel in the Golan Heights. This is another of continuing multiple breaches of Israeli airspace by the Russians. The unmanned aerial vehicle entered Israeli airspace from Syria and the Israel … Read More
Chinese Believe ‘Inevitable War’ Between The West And East
There are reports that although little talked about in the West, many Chinese officials have long felt that war between the West and the East is inevitable. The thinking goes that a rising nation state power as China will always challenge a dominant one as the United States. Today, the maritime dispute between the U.S. and China has become the … Read More
Americans Still Believe in God Per Gallup Poll
More than 9 in 10 Americans still say “yes” when asked the basic question “Do you believe in God?”; this is down only slightly from the 1940s, when Gallup first asked this question. Belief in God drops below 90% among younger Americans, liberals, those living in the East, those with postgraduate educations, and political independents. However, belief in God is … Read More
Reports: Russia Warned Turkish President of Coup
Arab media outlets have reported that Turkey’s President Erdogan was alerted by Russia against an imminent army coup just hours before it was started. Also reported that Erdogan asked his supporters to go into and remain in the streets after receiving advice from Tehran. It was reported that the Russian army intelligence units deployed in Syria’s Northern province equipped with … Read More