This sick 4 year old girl was told by her mother that she would go to heaven. When asked if that scared her, she told her mom, “No, heaven is good.” “But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I … Read More
Pulse Club Becomes Prayer Meeting
Testimony after another tells how party goers at the Pulse Club in Orlando that night went from dancing to praying on the floor as the shooter went through shooting. When facing death as a mortal many began to pray to God. One said that as she lay bleeding on the floor and seeing dead bodies around her she began to … Read More
Oceans in Peril
The oceans cover nearly three-fourths of the Earth’s surface but mankind’s behavior is placing them in peril. Pollution is choking ecosystems, threatening coastal economies and battering coral reefs. Ocean waters are warming causing record low ice levels and threatening death to sea creatures. Oceans pH levels are imbalanced making water acidic and becoming hostile to marine life. Toxic blooms as … Read More
Unexplained Rise in Violence Per FBI
Violent crimes ranging from homicides to rapes to robberies have been on the rise in many major U.S. cities so far this year. Yet experts can’t point to a reason why, which is stumping law enforcement officials, who are seeking a way to combat the problem. FBI Director James Comey said recently. “I don’t know what the answer is, but … Read More
Middle East World Peace Conference In European Union
An international conference aimed at reviving peace efforts between Palestinians and Israelis is set to take place in Paris of the revived Roman Empire. This is significant in the Signs of the Last Days. The talks will host the Middle East Quartet, which includes the US, Russia, the EU and the UN, as well as the Arab League, the UN Security Council and … Read More
Now Egypt Trying For Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks
Egypt is reportedly moving forward with plans to hold a trilateral summit in an effort to forge an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. An Israeli delegation arrived in Cairo on Sunday on behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to arrange a meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported. Egyptian President El-Sisi has said he saw a … Read More
ISIS Threatens Israel with Global War
The spread of ISIS in the Islamic world in countries as Iraq, Syria, and Libya, are encircling Israel. And now the Islamic State terror group said in its newsletter this week that its “war against Israel will not be limited by geographical boundaries or by international norms.” The Al-Naba newsletter, which was obtained by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) … Read More
Iran Warns Can Destroy Israel In Minutes
Iran has said it could wipe out Israel “in less than eight minutes” if the order was given by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The comments come after they successfully tested a ballistic missile that had the potential to reach Israeli territory. “We test-fired a missile with a range of 2,000 kilometers and a margin of error of eight meters,” Brigadier … Read More
Palestinians Reject Israel’s Offer For Direct Peace Talks
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah dismissed Tuesday an Israeli proposal for direct peace talks. Israeli leader Netanyahu said, he would be willing to meet Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “in Paris or wherever,” and hold face-to-face negotiations where “Every difficult issue will be on the table,” he said. The Palestinians have resisted talks with Israel instead focusing on proposals at … Read More
Next Pearl Harbor Could Be In Space
Military experts are describing a “space Pearl Harbor”—a sneak attack on U.S. satellites that cripples American forces before a shot has been fired—that has Pentagon planners seriously worried. Space is the ultimate high ground for today’s warriors, and no military has dominated those strategic heights as successfully as America’s. But its constellations of GPS, surveillance and communications satellites are largely … Read More