In the past three days, powerful earthquakes have struck in three different countries across the globe. Christ the Lord specifically called out earthquakes in the Signs of the Last Days™ before His coming and the end of the age. The latest struck today in Tonga with a magnitude of 5.8, according to the U.S. Geological Survey and a report from USA Today. … Read More
Research Shows Religious Americans Happier With Their Lives
When evaluating ways in which the highly religious and the less religious are different: on average, Americans who say they attend religious services weekly and pray daily also report being happier than those who are less religiously committed, according to Pew Research Center, a think-tank in Washington, DC. Per the research, four-in-ten highly religious adults say they are generally “very … Read More
Russian Jets Simulated Attack Passes On U.S. Destroyer
Two Russian warplanes flew simulated attack passes on a U.S. guided missile destroyer in the Baltic Sea on Tuesday, the U.S. military has said. One official describing them as one of the most aggressive interactions in recent memory. The events are reminiscent of the Cold War, when a series of close calls led to a bilateral agreement aimed at avoiding … Read More
Netanyahu Leading Effort to Thwart U.S. President bid for U.N.
The Washington article reports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to be rallying support to thwart the U.S. President’s bid to become the Secretary-General of the United Nations after he leaves the White House. It says the President has already discussed the issue with political officials in the United States, according to Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. Mr. Netanyahu recently is said to … Read More
U.S. President to Seek UN Secretary Generalship – Kuwaiti Media
Al –Jarida, an Arabic language Kuwaiti magazine, published an article claiming that the US President has set his sights on becoming the next Secretary General of the United Nations when he leaves the Oval Office. The article also claimed that upon hearing of President Obama’s plans, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu “vowed to counter his campaign.” READ ARTICLE HERE Sign Up … Read More
U.S. Navy Leads 30-Nation Maritime Exercise in Middle East
The U.S. Navy is leading a 30-nation maritime exercise across Middle Eastern waters that it says will help protect international trade routes against possible threats. The exercise, partly held in the Persian Gulf, comes as tensions run high between Gulf Arab countries and Iran over its role in the region. The U.S. President will soon attend a summit in Riyadh … Read More
Third Temple Closer Than Ever With Search for Jewish Priests
The Temple Institute has initiated the second stage towards building the Third Temple in Israel: compiling a list of Jewish priests who will be eligible to prepare the red heifer and serve in the Temple Worship. The registry will include men who have a clear patriarchal heritage from the priestly class (descendants of Aaron), were born and raised in Israel, … Read More
To Counter Russian Aggression U.S. Deploying Armored Brigades To Europe
The U.S. military has said that it would deploy rotations of U.S.-based armored brigade combat teams to Europe. They say this is part of a wider effort to counter what the United States sees as Russian aggression on the continent, since Russia’s takeover of Crimea, invasion of Ukraine, and its strategic bomber flights near various countries. Their presence in Europe will … Read More
Ayatollah Khamenei Says Ballistic Missiles Key To Iran’s Future
Iran’s supreme top leader Ayatollah Khamenei has said missiles are key to the Islamic Republic’s future, offering support to the hardline Revolutionary Guards. “Those who say the future is in negotiations, not in missiles, are either ignorant or traitors,” Khamenei, who has the final say on all matters of state, was quoted as saying by his website. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards conducted … Read More
Israel Jews Call Three-Day Fast for Messiah Salvation Echoing Biblical Esther
A grassroots Israeli group in the Jewish State has organized a three-day fast leading up to the holiday of Purim, mirroring that of Queen Esther in the Biblical story. Thus far, over 22,000 people have agreed to participate in the fast, which they hope will overturn the continuous threats to Israel’s existence. The physical fast is an undertaking with a spiritual … Read More