Christianity Recreated From Biblical To Las Vegas Style By Lady Gaga—Here’s The Danger

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A recent headline sends us a warning. Because it reveals a threat to Christianity found in the Bible and still found in some places in America today. It was a headline about Lady Gaga.

When in Las Vegas performing on stage at the Vegas Strip, Lady Gaga called herself a Christian and then went about to the applause of the crowd explaining to the world how that Vice President Mike Pence is not a good representation of what Christianity actually is.

Why did she do this? Because the Vice-President believes in traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Gaga’s comment came after people on the Left became outraged to learn that Karen Pence is going to teach at a Christian school that follows biblical teaching about sexuality.

That led to broad attacks against Christian schools in general, revealing that they have become a big target for the anti-Christian Left.

On the one hand, you might think nothing new here. Just another liberal from the entertainment industry mouthing off. Just another blatant attack on Christian beliefs. We’re supposed to expect that since Lord Jesus said it would happen.

But what makes this different is that Gaga is calling herself a Christian and trying to re-define what Christianity actually is. That’s extremely dangerous for Biblical Christianity in America.

It exposes the end-game of unseen spiritual forces in these Last Days and the no-holds-barred spiritual warfare – to defeat the true Christian faith by redefining it.

And by redefining it, as something that is agreeable to and harmonious with this modern evil society, then true Biblical Christianity becomes something that is unacceptable and not to be allowed in society.

Then it becomes possible to pass laws that forbid practice of Biblical Christian beliefs which would provide the legitimacy for society to shut down Christian schools that do not support LGBTQ rights and practices.

That is exactly where it can go, and beyond.

The Holy Scriptures tell us in ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6 that our battle is not against actual people but “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness.”

Do we want to have the freedom to live as a Biblical Christian? Do we want to preserve Biblical Christianity in America today?

As Christian Soldiers of the Cross and not Laodiceans, we must stand up with the Bible and take on the the whole armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. As Biblical Christians, we must get prayed up and then speak up.

The spirit of compromise and perversion of Biblical truth must be confronted, or the future of Christianity in America will be determined by such as Lady Gaga.

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