Clinton Campaign Enters Presidential Vote Recount

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Clinton’s democratic presidential campaign has been quietly exploring whether there was any “outside interference” in the presidential election results and will participate in the election recount initiated by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, a Clinton campaign lawyer revealed.

Interestingly, Jill Stein raised a huge amount of 4.8 million dollars in a short time to finance the recount. Its been reported that Stein was probably acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton to raise money for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania as many have continued to be astonished by the amount of money flowing into the effort.

Apparently, because of the margin of victory and believing that Russia had previously hacked and spread information about the election with the apparent goal of helping Donald Trump, and that a group of analysts had said they found “a pattern of unusual activity” in the election, Clinton officials had quietly taken a number of steps to verify any possibility of outside interference in the votes of critical battleground states.