Electoral College Electors Revolting: Presidential Race Over?

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The presidential election is over. Or is it?

A number of electors in the electoral college have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an electoral college majority in an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution.

Their underlying goal is to gain a defection of electors that could gain attention and thus provide the impetus for making changes to the electoral college process in electing the President. They view the electoral college as a deliberative process instead of an assigned vote and otherwise it ought to be done away with.

The electoral college has not yet cast their votes and a lobbying effort is underway within it to move the outcome from what was forecast at election night.

In the popular vote, Clinton’s lead has increased to about 1.7 million votes with many states having not yet reported official results. Nearly all will complete their counts by Dec. 13, in time for the Dec. 19 meeting of the electoral college.