Europe Leaders Renew Revived Roman Empire Vow to Pope in Vatican

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After received into the Vatican by the Pope this past weekend, Europe’s leaders then signed ‘The Rome Declaration’ renewing their vow to the European Union of the Revived Roman Empire.

Along with the Roman Pope before Michelangelo’s masterpiece “The Last Judgment” at the Vatican, all the European nation leaders re-affirmed their nations commitment to the European Union. One by one, the leaders were called to a wide table at the head of the hall to put their signature to an 800-word document named the Rome Declaration.

The setting was a vast palazzo on Capitoline hill that was once the site of a temple ancient Romans believed would stand for eternity. Gathered in the hall of Horatii and the Curiatii, the opulent marbled chamber where the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, the European Continent’s leaders reasserted the European Union vowing to carry it forward.