November 2016
Meeting: League City, TX – Signs of the Last Days™ Revealed
Wars and rumors of wars; disease and pestilence; earthquakes in strange places; peace and safety elusive; uncertainty and distress abounds; the Signs of the Last Days™ are everywhere around us! We presently live in the time of great prophetic fulfillment. What’s happening and what time is it on God’s timeline?
Find out more »EVENT: The Great Tribulation
Jesus foretold a time of great tribulation that would occur before the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth. He said it would be a time of persecution such as never has been before nor ever again shall be. The Signs of the Last Days™ show there are events happening that lead to this Great Tribulation we need to be aware of.
Find out more »August 2017
EVENT: Spiritual Signs of the Last Days and Living Victorious
Jesus Christ foretold the Signs of the Last Days in the prophecies of the Holy Scriptures. In this free meeting, William Thompson will speak on the phases of the Signs of the Last Days; With focus on the Signs of Spiritual Activity and how to live victorious before the rapture of the Church by Jesus Christ and the anti-christ ascending to world power. Don't miss the powerful message describing what is happening in the world, what is soon to come,…
Find out more »February 2018
The Revelation 9 Prophecy foretells another world war is coming, and this Biblical World War will be the biggest ever. According to the Bible, a third of mankind will be killed. And the Scriptures tell us where it will start - AT THE EUPHRATES RIVER! And in just a week, stunning events recently happened in rapid fashion along the Euphrates River Valley in Syria that's creating a perfect storm of chaos which is transforming the Syrian conflict into the specter…
Find out more »March 2018
Live Broadcast: TRUMP & JERUSALEM- the coming Jewish Peace, Temple, & Anti-christ
U.S. President Trump's announcement of America recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital was a major Last Days Sign. In this live broadcast we will look at how this event triggered an opening of a prophetic pathway to fulfillment of several Last Days prophecies. Including: how Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration opened a pathway for prophetic events leading to a peace agreement in the Middle East, also for the final Jewish Temple to be erected in Jerusalem, and then the revealing of the Anti-christ at…
Find out more »New Broadcast Series: “Living Victorious In The Last Days”
In our world today, we continuously hear a lot of bad news. It’s hard to always make sense of it, where things seem twisted and up is down, bad is good, abnormal touted as normal. The Signs of the Last Days can be ominous. And the Bible knew this would happen, saying that in the last days perilous times will come. Where life is seemingly filled with overwhelming challenges in society. But the Bible prophecies are not about bad news, but about the…
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