When Evil Went To Church

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

It’s one of America’s most notorious violent crimes since it happened in church when members welcomed the killer to Bible Study.

When the worshipers stood to pray at end of Bible Study, closing their eyes, the killer took the opportunity to open fire, quickly killing many in the room starting with the pastor.

One of the survivors in testimony described the killer as “evil, evil evil as can be” in the court trial. Dylann Roof was convicted and found guilty of committing a massacre of nine worshipers who had welcomed him into the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston.

Among many recent mass killings in recent years, this bloodbath was notable for its setting during a church Bible meeting. The crime was also notable for the contrast between the evil in the killer and the love in his victims, who had offered Roof a chair and Bible as they began the weekly meeting.charleston-church-massacre-violence-killer

Roof joined the group that evening for nearly an hour, laughing along with his hosts, all while he concealed a handgun and magazines of bullets in a pack around his waist. When the worshipers stood to pray, closing their eyes, he opened fire.

In describing the signs of the Last Days prophecies in Matthew 24, Jesus predicted there would be hatred and lawlessness. He said it would become so severe and pervasive that it would abound. 

This has come true with violence not only in America’s streets but with the evil also reaching into its churches.