Expert: Never Seen Strangeness & Power Of Hurricane Irma

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The storm has come and people are saying I’ve never seen anything like it, including the experts, who speak of the strangeness of where it came from and its unique power.

Phil Klotzbach is a meteorologist and hurricane historian at Colorado State University who specializes in the history of Atlantic tropical cyclones. He said that two things stood out to him about Irma as historically notable: its point of origin and its power.

He said it has stayed remarkably powerful in that it spent three consecutive days as a Category 5 storm, the longest-ever observed since satellites began tracking hurricanes.

But Irma also had a strange origin: it became a Category 5 storm in a part of the world that usually does not produce huge hurricanes.

When major hurricanes have struck the continental United States in the past, they have incubated in the much warmer waters of the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean.

Irma, on the other hand, expanded to its massive size in the tropical Atlantic, east of the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. “To get something east of the islands—at least from the historical record, it hasn’t happened before,” said Klotzbach.

It is amazing to note when comparing maps, that the strange area of origin for super-storm Irma is very near where the Great American Eclipse path of totality went to and ended after exiting the U.S.

He went on that “When people in the [Leeward] Islands were saying, ‘We’ve never seen a storm this strong,’ that’s true. They haven’t.”

The record-breaking cyclone with its sustained 185 mile-per-hour winds, and its record-breaking low pressure (914 millibars), is the strongest storm ever measured in the open Atlantic Ocean.

And it literally devastated the territories of the U.S. it first came into contact with as the Virgin Islands and Florida Keys, who now look like apocalyptic landscapes.

The year of 2017 is shaping up to be a year with characteristics of never seen experiences for America.

Those which are Biblically supported as Signs of the Last Days, strongly pointing toward the coming Day of Christ for His Church and also the plummeting of the world into the chaos of its Great Tribulation.

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