The theme for 2020 was disasters. So much so, that 2020 was a record year for disasters. Where it set a new record for the most disasters costing at least $1 billion.
Experts are saying that by September, 2020, we had already tied the old record of 16 for the number of billion-dollar disasters in a year. And that when the count is completed for 2020 in early January, 2021, officials figure the number of billion dollar disasters will be at least 20, or likely more.
The experts are saying that 47 states were involved in a billion-dollar weather disaster, with only Alaska, Hawaii and North Dakota excluded.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the 2020 hurricane season set multiple records, where there were so many storms that the list of 21 conventional names was exhausted as they ran out of storm names and went deep into the Greek alphabet.
Officials said there were 30 named storms, with the 2020 hurricane season surpassing the previous record set in 2005. And ten of those storms also had the new phenomenon of rapid intensification as they came on shore making them much more dangerous.
A dozen storms made landfall in the U.S., easily smashing the old record of nine. And Louisiana got hit a record five times. At one point, the American Red Cross had 60 New Orleans hotels filled with refugees.
Then there is the devastating mega-drought with extreme heat in California. Where in 2020 at least 6,528 square miles were burned by wildfires, doubling the previous record for area burned. And five of the six largest wildfires in California history were in 2020.
But this time in 2020, Oregon and Colorado also had immense wildfire damage as well, with more than 10,000 buildings damaged or destroyed and at least 41 people killed.
The heat waves and droughts were hitting all over the world.
Even in Siberia and the Arctic Circle, where it reached a record 100 degrees and the area had exceptionally bad wildfires. As the hottest air temperature ever reliably recorded anywhere on the planet, was reached in Death Valley, California, where it soared to 130 degrees;
Between firestorms and sea storms, the American Red Cross provided a record 1.3 million nights of shelter for disaster-struck Americans in 2020.
In 2020, that was four times more than the annual average for the previous decade. The Red Cross vice president in charge of disasters said that since April, 2020, they had seen a large disaster occur somewhere in the country every five days, saying that it was an unprecedented non-stop pace.
According to preliminary figures from the international disaster database kept at the Center for Research on Disasters at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, worldwide, more than 220 weather-related disasters hurt more than 70 million people and caused more than $69 billion in damage with over 7,500 people killed.
Disaster experts say the pace of disasters is noticeably increasing. The international disaster database in Belgium also calculated that from 1980 to 1999, the world had 4,212 disasters affecting 3.25 billion people and costing $1.63 trillion. But from 2000 to 2019 those figures jumped to 7,348 disasters, affecting 4.03 billion people with $2.97 trillion in damage.
Experts say that disasters are becoming the chronic condition of the world.
The Biblical prophecies (Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 6) foretell that extreme disasters will intensify on earth until people’s hearts fail them from fear of those things which are coming upon the earth indicating the nearing end of this age.
These events and conditions happening now are warning signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare now for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:19) described how (Acts 2).
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