FBI Says Americans Have No Complete Privacy

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FBI Director James Comey warned that Americans should not have expectations of “absolute privacy.” He elaborated that “even our communications with our spouses, with our clergy members, with our attorneys are not absolutely private in America.”

Comey added that “In appropriate circumstances, a judge can compel any one of us to testify in court about those very private communications.” He went on to say that even our memories aren’t private and any of us can be compelled to say what we remember.

Comey’s leadership of the FBI has been marked by controversy in the wake of the bureau’s handling of situations as Hillary Clinton’s email controversy, Russian hacking of America, Islamic terrorists, and President Donald Trump’s accusations of surveillance.

His remarks came right after the anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks unveiled a trove of documents that purport to shed light on sophisticated information-gathering techniques used by American spy agencies, including shocking revelations where U.S. agencies hack into smartphones and televisions for the purpose of eavesdropping on unsuspecting users.

“So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him? … And authority was given him over every … nation.” ~ Revelation 13:4, 7