For First Time Exotic Rat Disease Jumps To Humans

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

For the first time ever, there have been recorded cases of rat-specific hepatitis E found in humans with two cases so far this year, worrying researchers.

A 70-year-old woman in Hong Kong has just become the second ever recorded case of rat-specific hepatitis E in humans, worrying Chinese researchers. One case could be an anomaly. But two cases could mean that the disease is becoming transmissible jumping between species to humans.

“Because the rat … strain is very different from the human strain, people think it wouldn’t be able to jump to humans,” said Siddharth Sridhar, one of the principal researchers at Hong Kong University. “This was a clinical discovery.”

Earlier in September this year, a 56-year-old Hong Kong man in Kowloon became the first known case of rat hepatitis in humans said health officials.

Exactly how it’s transmitted by rats is unclear, since the source of the two infections could not be determined. But Hong Kong in recent years has been plagued by a growing rat population.

Pestilent disease that can bring death through pestilence is foretold in the Biblical prophecies as Matthew 24 as a sign of the Last Days of the age.

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