First Time in History U.S. Debt Hits Over $21 Trillion: Mark of Beast Nearing

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The world-wide future Mark of the Beast has a definite financial characteristic. We know from the prophecy that no one can buy or sell without it. This control will be the financial cornerstone enabling a not too distant one world government.

But this begs the question, what is the financial situation causing this beastly environment to develop? It’s under our nose, and we have already stubbed our toes on it. It’s called, Debt.

And now its reported that the U.S. national debt has exceeded over $21 trillion for the first time, a mind boggling number, and is still growing uncontrollably with no debt ceiling in place. This is unsustainable.

But the U.S. was warned. That is, about how excess debt becomes toxic, and causes banks to fail crippling the financial system causing controls to be put in place.

In the U.S. there was a rapid debt build-up through the housing mortgage industry where money was handed out to anybody no matter if they could pay for it or not. This led to the 2007-2008 housing mortgage implosion; and banks failed, accounts could not be accessed, and the government stepped in.

But in short, the U.S. did not learn much from the 2008 financial crisis, instead they just kicked the can down the road, moving the debt from financial companies balance sheets instead to the governments. And then the government turned around and provided stimulus with incentives for companies to borrow and spend even more again, thereby bloating government debt more as well.

Its a fact America is on a financially dangerous path, where its current spending and debt are dangerously high, and future spending and debt are on track to rise even higher.  But its not only the U.S., global debt at corporations and nation states around the world are also out of control.

So now the financial crisis is in sovereign nation debt where, just like the U.S., there was a rapid build-up in debt in developed economies. That’s why Europe has been in such recent financial turmoil with sovereign debt issues in countries as Greece, Italy, and potentially others threatening to blow up the Euro and their Union.

There’s one ugly thing about debt, it always has a date when it is called in. Then it must be paid or a nation needs to borrow ever-increasing amounts to both repay existing borrowing but also try to maintain their economy.

And all the while the debt is deteriorating their asset values and creditworthiness, reducing or eliminating the ability in the future to financially carry the debt forward at some point triggering a financial failure with massive consequences.

The U.S. is financially staggering like a drunk man who has spent his money and borrowed more for booze to make him feel good in the present and not worry about the future. It will be a beast of a hangover requiring drastic financial measures.

Measures like authentication mechanisms as the Mark of the Beast could be used by nations for the reason of controlling access to limited and precious resources so to provide security and prevent corruption. This plague of debt is a sign of the coming fulfillment of the prophecy.

You can learn more about the Signs of the Last Days prophecies here.

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Signs of the Last Days® Ministry