Gog & Magog Put Nuclear Doomsday Clock At Midnight

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Gog & Magog’s aggression has put the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Doomsday Clock seconds away from a midnight of nuclear catastrophe as its said its an alarm for humanity on the brink of a precipice.

The world is closer to nuclear catastrophe now than it’s ever been according to atomic scientists who created the Doomsday Clock metaphor back in 1947 near the advent of the nuclear bomb.

As the scientists say the decision to move the clock forward closer to midnight is largely due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and their threats of nuclear escalation.

And Bible prophecies foretell that Gog and Magog’s Last Days aggression will lead to catastrophic events of fire for the world order.

Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.

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