Why Israel Fears Obama’s Last Days

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Many think Israel faces a unique window of danger from Nov. 9 to Jan. 20, wondering what might President Obama do in his final days in office as it relates to the Jewish state.

It’s reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S Secretary of State Kerry that he’s counting on Washington to stick to its policy of nixing anti-Israel resolutions, but it’s said that Kerry’s reply was that the administration has yet to make a decision on the matter.

For there to be any doubt left that America would continue to shield Israel makes Israel and its friends nervous with what the out-going U.S. Administration might do in any last-minute speech, executive order, or U.N. action. US-Israeli relations were bad from the start of the current U.S. Administration but grew worse with the Iran nuclear deal.

This is why 88 U.S. Senators have wrote the U.S. President urging him to recommit to “longstanding US policy” of blocking anti-Israel moves at the United Nations.