Israelis Killed in Turkey Bombing-Turkish Official Tweets Death to Israelis

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In the latest bomb explosion in Turkey, mostly Israelis were killed or wounded. Two of the murdered Israelis had dual American citizenship. The ratio of Israelis killed and wounded in the attack has generated concern that the victims’ nationalities was no coincidence.

Then Irem Aktas, a member of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AKP Party  shared on the social media network Twitter that, “I wish that the wounded #Israeli tourists were dead”.

Once warm relations between Israel and Turkey have been strained since the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010, when the Turkish ship attempted to cross the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Ten Turkish nationals were killed when Israeli commandos boarded the ship.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu announced Saturday night that the government was investigating the possibility that the attack was intended to target Israelis. Netanyahu ordered security to be increased around Israeli diplomatic missions in Istanbul.