Large Flock Of Biblical Sheep Strangely Walk In Circles for Days/Weeks Straight

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

A large flock of sheep, which is an animal strongly referenced in the Bible including the Revelation Prophecy, have been mysteriously walking in a circle continuously for days into weeks.

Viral videos of the strange behavior were taken in the city of Baotu in Inner Mongolia at a farm. Where the flock of sheep have been recorded walking in a circle for 14 days without stopping.

Reports say there are 34 sheep pens, but only the sheep in pen number 13 are said to have been exhibiting the strange movement.

In watching the footage, you can see large numbers of sheep following one another in a circle as other sheep stand right in the center of the circle.


So far reports say it is not known what has caused the sheep to behave this way – although theories abound.

One theory is that the sheep have contracted a disease called listeriosis that can cause some species of animals to appear confused and begin moving in circles.

Saying that the sheep could have been infected with the bacterium listeria transmitted through food which could affect part of the brain causing the sheep to behave strangely.

But listeriosis in animals as sheep is most often a rapidly progressing disease to where the animals become disoriented and die in just a few days.

Others say that the sheep are being influenced by some unseen force to behave this way which could mean that some kind of mysterious portal is soon to open. And of course aliens are in the discourse as well.

But sheep are known to have a natural herding instinct to band together for safety to protect themselves from danger. And will walk in a winding trail so to watch around themselves in a wide angle of vision. And being in a pen leaves them the option to walk in a circle.

And sheep as a symbol are heavily referenced in the Holy Bible Scriptures including in the Revelation.

The Lord Jesus and His Apostles used sheep as a symbol in their teaching referring to the Lord as the Good Shepherd and His believers as His flock.

And the Lord Jesus in His Gospel teaching warned of the danger of the wolf coming among the sheep. And in His Revelation warned of a lamb with two horns that speaks like a dragon.

Which His Revelation Prophecy reveals is a false prophet in the end-time that will wreak havoc by deceiving the masses for the anti-christ.

Could these sheep be walking in circles due to their sense of danger being activated and then captured in viral videos to be used as a warning sign of how deeply we are into the Last Days and how serious prophetic events are soon to happen on earth?

The Biblical prophecies (Matthew 24/25, Revelation 6, Revelation 13) refer to sheep and lamb as signs in the Last Days prophecies signaling the world is nearing the end of this age and the coming of Jesus Christ.

These events and conditions happening now are warning signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare now for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:19) described how (Acts 2).

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