Welcome To Our Live-Stream Page! Signs of the Last Days® is a prophetic ministry that connects world events and conditions to the Biblical prophecies revealing what’s coming in the future as we near the end of this age. Thank you for coming and please join our community.
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Live-Stream Times
Live-streams could happen at any time for world events as they occur. To get notifications for our live stream events, you can follow us on Vimeo HERE. (click on +follow under our logo & name on left side of page. Then just use your email address and a password for the free basic account on Vimeo (say no thanks to the paid ones)).
General Schedule:
Thursday evenings, 9:30 pm US central time, "Signs of the Last Days Revealed" ;
Sunday evenings, 8 pm US central time, "Watch & Pray."
*Note: impromptu live streams may happen for world events at any time, follow us on Vimeo for free.
Iran Hit By Sandstorm & Earthquake As They Plan To Attack Israel!
As Iran Planned An Attack On Israel From Syria, Iran Was Hit With Massive Sandstorm & 5.9 Earthquake! Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here.
2019 Super Blood Moon A Sign Of Blessing & Judgment.
Bible Prophecy shows how the Jan. 20, 2019 Super Blood Moon can be a prophecy sign of events coming, moving Israel toward a blessing and the nations toward judgment. Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here.
Unusual Flood Hits Jerusalem Breaks Wall—Biblical Changes Coming.
Unusual flood hits Jerusalem with 1/4 of annual rain in single day and breaks down the Wall of Jerusalem separating East Jerusalem. Could signs of Biblical changes coming to Israel & Jerusalem be here that triggers the rapture and then sweeps in the anti-christ like a flood. Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here.
Bible Expert Reveals Signs of the Rapture.
The Biblical expert on the Rapture reveals what happens at the end of the Church age with revealing of Jesus Christ to His Church and then the revealing of the antichrist to the world. Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here.
Antichrist Government System Is Being Rolled Out Here.
The Antichrist Government System foretold in Revelation Prophecy is being rolled out now by the Roman Vatican and the godless China Government giving off signs directly related to the Biblical prophecy. Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here.
Russia Hits Israel—Gog of Magog Antichrist On-Ramp.
Russia hits back at the Israelites wanting to control not only Israel’s Golan Border but now also the skies with S-300 missile systems. And could the Gog of Magog prophecy events be an on-ramp for the antichrist in the Middle East? Support this ministry so we can continue to share signs of Biblical prophecy to the world, donate here.