Over 40,000 Earthquakes In Unprecedented Seismic Event Does Not Allow Sleep

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

More than 40,000 earthquakes in an unprecedented seismic event has people literally quaking in their beds rattling them from their sleep for weeks now in Iceland.

Many Icelanders are yearning for some undisturbed shut-eye, after tremors from the tens of thousands of earthquakes has prevented their sleep for weeks.

In what scientists call an unprecedented seismic event which might well end in a spectacular volcanic eruption.

The town of Grindavik lies in the southern part of the Reykjanes Peninsula where more than 40,000 earthquakes have occurred since Feb. 24, exceeding the total number of earthquakes registered there last year.

The source of the past weeks’ earthquakes is a large body of molten rock, known as magma, moving roughly one kilometer beneath the peninsula, as it tries to push its way to the surface.

“We’ve never seen so much seismic activity,” Sara Barsotti, volcanic hazards coordinator at the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO) told Reuters. Some of these quakes have clocked in at magnitudes as high as 5.7.

“Everyone here is so tired,” Gudmundsdottir, a 5th grade school teacher, said. “When I go to bed at night, all I think about is: Am I going to get any sleep tonight?”

The Biblical prophecies (Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 6) foretell that the seismic activity of earthquakes and volcanoes will be a sign that the world is nearing the end of this age.

These events and conditions happening now are warning signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare now for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:19) described how (Acts 2).

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