In Paris Summit World Nations Declare Two-State Solution For Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

70 different countries at a Paris Middle-East peace conference this weekend past, signed on to an agreement declaring the Two-State solution as the only solution possible for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This conference initiative is led by Europe with France spearheading the effort.

The Reviving Roman Empire of Europe believes that Middle-East peace is the highest priority to solve; so to stabilize not only that region but also the global community with its terrorism issue. They view the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the pretext for criminals and terrorists across the Arab world.

The joint declaration of the nations gathered in Paris also reaffirmed their support for UN Security Council resolution 2334 recently passed. It condemns Israel’s presence in East Jerusalem and their settlements of half a million Jews in territory the world’s countries say now is designated for a Palestinian state. In the UN’s view, basically Israel is now an international outlaw as an occupier of another nation state’s territory.

Just as the last Middle-East peace conference held in Paris in 2016 was positioning for the UN to pass resolution 2334, this summit now, where the delegations of 72 nations voted unanimously to accept the solution declaration without Israel or the Palestinians in attendance, is a pretext in preparing for the UN to mandate acceptance of the Two-State solution on Israel – with final details to be agreed upon.

This summit and its declaration is a sign pointing toward the Last Days prophecies concerning Israel. When Israel realizes the Two-State solution is mandated and inevitable, in a peace agreement with the world leaders, they can use the swap of the territory to the Palestinians and their withdrawal as an opportunity for a temple mount concession to build their third and final temple there.

But in the end as prophesied, Jerusalem will be the sticking point, since Israel will not be able to let go of their belief that it is their eternal capital. This will ultimately precipitate the Last Days conflicts leading to Armageddon.