Pope Francis Says ‘Sign From God’ Led Him To Vatican-China Agreement—Fire Comes Down Next?

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

A historic deal was made between the Roman Church Vatican and the atheistic communist government of China where the Roman Vatican agreed with the dictatorial Chinese Government on a combined political-religious approach for a government approved church in China.

In making the deal, Pope Francis said that a “sign from God” affirmed for him that the Roman Vatican should  make the controversial agreement with China’s government. 

Implying that the “sign from God” the Roman Pope claims he received gives divine backing for the agreement and relationship the Roman Church is entering into with the godless government of China.

This combined political-religious approach for a government approved church is the very model of the Last Days world government template of the antichrist foretold by the prophecies of the Bible.

The Bible prophecies foretell in Revelation chapter 13 how that a combined political & religious government in the Last Days would rise up through which the antichrist political world leader is supported by the false prophet world religious leader to rule with a world government and ecumenical religion.

And the prophecy says this world religious leader called the false prophet, will claim and perform signs so to provide divine backing in supporting the antichrist world leader.

And with these signs, such as even making fire come down from heaven on the earth, will deceive the world into accepting the mark of the beast in the antichrist’s satanic world government.

In the same manner now, as a sign of the Revelation Prophecy, the Pope is claiming he received  a “sign from God” to provide divine backing in supporting the Vatican’s decision to enter into a political-religious agreement with the antichrist government of China.  

Which the agreement will also throw the underground Christian believers in China, who do not accept this government church with sworn loyalty to the Roman Vatican and Chinese Government, out into the cold for even more severe persecution.

Just as in the Revelation Prophecy where those who do not join the mark of the beast agreement will be left out in the cold to suffer from not being able to buy or sell.

No matter that there will be suffering, for after this historic Vatican-China deal was done, the Roman Pope acknowledged it will cause suffering among the Christian underground believers there, but he justified it by saying “It’s true, they will suffer. There is always suffering in an agreement.”

His attitude and statements showing that the expediency of making the agreement for political-religious purposes of unity was the most important thing to the Vatican, just as the antichrist and false prophet will do in the Revelation Prophecy.

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