Pope Honors Anti-Christ Baby Jesus At Vatican

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

The Mouth of the Dragon from the Priesthood of Mysteries is getting fiery & bolder readying for the Roaring Lion’s Mouth of the Beast of Blasphemy the Anti-Christ.

As the Pope the Supreme Priest of the world-wide priesthood honored a non-Jewish Baby Jesus at the Vatican opposing the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible Scriptures in a sign of anti-Christ.

With the Pope celebrating this December in their Christ Mass celebrations at the Vatican, a nativity scene with a Baby Jesus in the manger that was anti-Christ opposing the Jewish Holy Bible Scriptures.

As the Pope of the Vatican over the world-wide priesthood is again manifesting anti-Bible anti-Christ signs revealing how this illicit priesthood from the Vatican political-religious system;

Is the mother of abominations that descended from Babylon and will support the rise of anti-Christ. As the mouth of the dragon is getting fiery and bolder preparing people for the roaring lion mouth of the Beast described in Revelation prophecy.

Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.

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