Near the end of 2020 there is coming the sight of a great celestial conjunction in the heavens. A bright light that has not been seen by people on Earth in centuries.
Astronomers use the word conjunction to describe meetings of planets or other objects in our sky’s dome. They use the term great conjunction to describe meetings of the two biggest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and the ringed planet Saturn.
And on December 21, 2020, there will be a great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. And the last people on Earth to witness Jupiter and Saturn get this close lived in 1226, nearly eight centuries ago.
Astronomers say this will be the closest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since 1623, and that the closest observable Jupiter-Saturn conjunction before that was during medieval times, in 1226.
They say at their closest in this December, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degree apart, which is just 1/5 of a full moon diameter.
Saturn, the sixth planet outward from the sun, is the farthest and slowest-moving planet that we can easily see with the eye alone. And Jupiter, the fifth planet outward from the sun, is the second-slowest bright planet, after Saturn.
So they say Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions are the rarest of bright-planet conjunctions, by virtue of their slow motions in front of the constellations.
On Dec. 21, from our vantage point on Earth, they’ll look like they’re nearly touching each other, creating one radiant point like a bright star of light.
And Dec. 21 is also the day which marks the winter solstice, with the longest night of the year, the tipping point where daylight once again starts gaining ground on the darkness.
The Biblical prophecies of Jesus (Luke 21) foretell that there will be signs in the heavens and distress of the nations with perplexity on the earth which indicate the nearing end of this age.
These events and conditions happening now are warning signs pointing to the nearing fulfillment of the Last Days prophecies at the end of this age revealing it’s time to prepare now for the nearing appearance of Jesus Christ for His Church by being born again spiritually into the Kingdom of God as Jesus said we must (John 3) and His Apostles who were authorized (Matthew 16:19) described how (Acts 2).
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