Report Says Oceans Becoming Sicker And Spreading Disease

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

Research compiled by 80 scientists from 12 countries warns that global warming is making the oceans sicker than ever before and now spreading disease.

The ocean warming report explains how higher temperatures are not only affecting weather patterns and making more stronger storms, but are spreading pathogens in the oceans and into the ecosystem threatening the food chain and spreading disease among animals and humans.

The hotter oceans have killed off coral reefs at an unprecedented rate, reducing fish species by eliminating their habitats. The loss of reefs cuts down on the abundance of certain fish, with implications for food security. 

The study also includes evidence ocean warming is causing increased disease in plant and animal populations with pathogens such as disease-bearing bacteria and toxic algae blooms that can cause illnesses spreading more easily in warm water, with direct impact on human health.

Although there is no central authority tracking cases since states are not required to report cases to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there have been news reports of flesh-eating bacteria and brain-eating amoeba in warm waters causing people to lose limbs and their life. Increasingly, beaches and waters are closed due to high-levels of bacteria and eating of seafood prohibited. 

The study goes on to say the crucial role that the ocean plays in climate regulation as the major heat, carbon and water reservoirs of the world is under-appreciated. More than 93% of the enhanced heating due to the greenhouse effect and other human activities has been absorbed by the ocean deeply affecting it.

By absorbing a disproportionate amount of heat from global warming and by taking up the rapidly increasing emissions of carbon dioxide, the ocean has shielded the world from even more rapid changes in climate but by doing so became sick.

The Signs of the Last Days prophecies are increasing where Revelation 16 says “… the sea… became blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died.”