Multiple sources report that Russian jets have fired on Israeli Defense Force aircraft. The unprecedented Russian bearish aggression continues with their fighter jets not only simulating attacks on U.S. Navy ships in the region, but now multiple Israeli news sources report their have been several encounters between Russian and Israeli fighter jets.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu went to Russia this week, his 2nd recent trip, to talk again with Russian President Vladimir Putin concerning the situation. Israeli media and TV report there have been multiple confrontations, including Russian Jets firing at Israeli aircraft at least twice.

Military jets of the Russian air force during a sortie at an unknown location in Syria.
The engagements have included from Russian fighter jets scrambling to intercept Israeli aircraft for unknown reasons to now the Russian jets firing on Israeli planes. It is not known exactly where and when the incidents occurred or whether planes were hit.
It’s also reported that in the same time frame a Russian warplane intruded Israeli airspace crossing over the border of the Golan Heights which is disputed territory between Israel and Syria.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu just declared that the Golan Heights, which they captured from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War, will forever be Israeli land. But Syria, with international support and the Russian military supporting their country, responded that Israel will never have the Golan.
The Syrian Foreign Minister said that Syria is prepared to use every possible means to recapture the area, including military means.
These events are Signs of the Last Days™ pointing to the Ezekiel 38 Prophecy foretelling that Russia called Magog, along with Iran or Persia, will invade Israel in the latter days on the mountains of Israel which is the Golan. Now with the Magog Russian military actively pursuing operations next to Israel at the Golan, and with Syria and Israel still technically at war over the Golan, the prophecy signs are clearer and stronger.
Multiple Israeli media are reporting these current engagements while the Kremlin is taking its usual tactic of denying everything – which is why the eventual Russian attack on the Golan will be a surprise to Israel as the prophecy says, but not to the Lord God.
The Signs are flashing with more clarity why and how this Prophecy will happen showing the nearing fulfillment in the End-Time.