Russia’s Putin Calls Israel A Hitler Nazi Regime

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryNews

Russia continues to turn on Israel as Putin calls Israel out to be like Hitler & the Nazi’s for attacks on Gaza to get Hamas. As Russia sides with Persia Iran & the Arab militias as Hamas against Israel.

The cordial arrangement between Israel and Russia has now come to a dead end as the hotlines between Russia and Israel seem to have been gone silent.

As there is a prophetic, tectonic shift going on in the Middle East now to where it will never be the same again. As the Palestinian Hamas attack on Israel is exposing the prophetic fault lines between Israel and all her enemies.

With Putin the current Prince of Rus of Magog Russia calling Israel out as being like a Hitler Nazi Regime for attacking Palestinian Hamas in Gaza.

As Putin & Russia continue to turn on Israel and instead support their prophetic allies in the Middle East of Persia Iran and their Arab proxies.

Which are signs of the Last Days Biblical prophecies indicating that prophesied attacks are soon coming on Israel that lead into the End-Time.

Watch the video below to see how these events and conditions happening now are Biblical signs connecting to the Last Days prophecies warning we are nearing the end of this age of grace at the appearance of Jesus Christ.

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