Scientists: Strange Sun Behavior On Heels Of Eclipse

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The sun should be in its quiet time cycle right now. Instead, while earth was having the most powerful hurricane, it’s been shooting hot plasma into space for the past week like not seen in over a decade.

Hot on the heels of the epic American total solar eclipse in August, our sun this month has followed up with what you might call totally unusual behavior. The biggest star around is supposed to be entering a phase of relatively little activity right now.

Yet it has spent the past recent weeks shooting off some of the biggest solar flares we’ve seen while America suffered historic tropical cyclones.

The sun goes through 11-year cycles of solar activity, including a solar maximum when scientists expect to see the highest level of sunspots and solar flares. But we passed that point in the current cycle in 2014 and are now approaching the solar minimum.

So it’s surprising that a big sunspot has been shooting off solar flares, including the biggest of the current cycle, for the past week.

A huge, so-called X-class flare (the highest level of intensity) was just recently fired off. It released an amount of energy comparable to that of a billion hydrogen bombs and sent radiation and plasma soaring toward Earth.

That level’s not harmful to life thanks to our planet’s atmosphere and magnetic field, but such a solar storm can disrupt communications signals and also fuel remarkable auroras, even in unusual places lower on the earth.

Scientists say the sun is currently in what is called solar minimum. The number of Active Regions, where flares occur, is low, so to have X-class flares happening now so close together they say is very unusual.

“Unusual”, “rare”, and “never seen”, seem to be oft repeated catch words for 2017; as the Signs of the Last Days from the sun and the sea that Jesus foretold continue.

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