How Sept. 23 Is A Sign of The Last Days (But Not How Some Think)

Signs of the Last Days® MinistryGeneral

The date of Sept. 23 and the associated prophecy claims with it that’s sweeping like wildfire across the internet are definitely Signs of the Last Days. But Scripture shows it’s just not for the reasons that some are thinking.

A person has pronounced the date of Sept. 23 as a day of major prophecy fulfillment. He claims to have numerically ascertained that great prophetic last day events will happen or begin on that day. The given basis for it is some self-styled and stretched “fuzzy math.”

Some of the events currently published in mainstream media on the internet that have been associated to happen with Sept. 23 are the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and a secret planet called Nibiru passing the Earth kicking things of.

This Sept. 23 claim is definitely Signs of the Last Days – but not for the reasons that the claim states.

Here is how it is Scripturally a Last Days sign:

The first reason is a prophecy of Jesus Christ, that in the Last Days there would be extreme deception. In Matthew the 24th chapter, in Jesus’ discourse on what would be the Signs of the Last Days of this Age, the number one sign Jesus stated would be that of deception, where people are deceived; deceiving themselves, and deceiving others.

How do we know this Sept. 23 claim is a deception?

There are several ways, but one of preeminence. The claim states a specific day for these prophecy fulfillment’s to happen. The Holy Scriptures clearly teach this is something not given unto man to know, but clearly reserved unto the Lord God only.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 the Apostle Paul wrote, “But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night… ”

Here the Apostle Paul infers that Biblically born-again Christians would be aware of the prophetic time or the season they are living in, as it relates to prophetic Scriptures and their connection to what is going on in world events as they watch and pray seeing the signs. But as to the exact day, we would not know it, hence why it is described as coming as a thief in the night.

Jesus Christ Himself also specifically warned about this focus on a specific date for a day of prophecy fulfillment. In Matthew 24:23-27, he warned of deceiving claims about the prophecies of Christ that it will be here or there, saying, do not believe it. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. ” A sudden moment of prophetic fulfillment that no man knows but only God.

And Jesus went on to be even more specific in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Jesus was clearly showing that such as this is what … the Father has put in His own authority.”(Acts 1:7) The exact day of  such prophecy fulfillment is not for humankind to know since this is reserved only within the knowledge domain of God.

This is not the first time someone has done something like this, making claims that a prophecy will be fulfilled on a certain day. Beware and understand, this Sept. 23 claim is definitely a Sign of the Last Days, but as a deceiving false claim in a prophesied time of extreme deception.

The second reason how this is truly a Last Days sign is from another prophecy of Jesus Christ in Matthew the 24th chapter. Jesus said in verse 9 that “… you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” This meaning that in the Last Days there will be hostility in the world against those who Biblically believe on Jesus Christ and follow after the truth of the Holy Scriptures. 

Why is it that mainstream liberal media have picked up on this story and given it prominent display in their news feeds?

I assure you its not to promote faith and belief in Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures. Rather, its an opportunity to paint the prophetic Scriptures and its God with a negative brush, showing how it’s ridiculously fantastic and not worth serious consideration much less worthy of adherence to.

But this is just too good an opportunity to pass up to do some serious dissing on Bible believers. So there were professional journalistic write-ups done and published on this Sept. 23 claim. Then on Sept. 24, guess what… yep, they can say, hey! what happened?… this didn’t happen and we’re still here. And in their sly mocking, they will be communicating, it was just another example of this false narrative about God and the Bible.

But this is another definite Sign of the Last Days, how that just as the world system mocked Jesus they will also mock His true believers using false claims.

The Apostle Peter said in 2 Peter 3 that “scoffers will come in the last days” and they will say “where is the promise of His coming?” They will go on about how “all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

But in their efforts to yet again discredit God and His Scriptures with this current Sept. 23 claim, they themselves are manifesting as a Sign of the Last Days.

Yes, in its own way, this claim about Sept. 23 is one of the many Signs of the Last Days happening around us, that are flashing at us telling us something.

And that is, that the Rapture and the Great Tribulation really are coming… and every soul should make sure to be ready for Jesus.

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